Genetics is the study of hereditary diseases. It involves diagnosis of individuals who are at risk of having genetic disorders. The rapid development of genetic testing and its technology in the recent years came with a better understanding of genetic diseases
Genetic disorders are a result of structural or numerical abnormality either in the chromosomes or in the genes due to mutations or changes at the gene level. These disorders may be inherited from one or both parents or de novo (i.e., a new mutation not inherited from parents).
Al Soor Genetic Clinic provides genetic counselling and clinical management by highly specialised genetic counsellors along with genetic testing which involves carrying out a range of tests on samples of DNA taken from blood, skin, saliva, amniotic fluid (the fluid that surrounds the baby during pregnancy), chorionic villous samples (cvs) and any other tissue samples.
Genetic Counselling
For families with a history of genetic disorders, genetic counselling provides detailed information and professional assessment about a patient's risk factors. It aims to help people understand their genetic condition, in order to help manage and prevent these disorders. Genetic counselling sessions typically last one hour or longer.
A genetic counsellor can help you understand: